"Where we discuss the funny, strange, and obscure crimes of yesteryear"
What's it about?
Well, gentle readers, as the tagline says, it's about mostly creepy and weird stuff of the past. As someone who's own podcast is dedicated to the classical stuff - it's super interesting to me listen to this podcast because there might even be times when the book I'm working on falls under the same time period that they're discussing. Honestly, they talk about a lot of things - not just crimes of yesteryear - but just a lot of historical stuff that I myself find interesting.
Who are the hosts?
The hosts are two sisters, Lindsey and Madison, who quite frankly have such a good rapport that you can't help but feel like you're friends with them while your listening to the stories that they're sharing. It definitely helps that they're hilarious.
Why should you listen to them?
Because they do their research and it's just a whole lot of fun to get into. Personally, for me I really, really enjoy myths and legends and I just like learning about the little different creepy stuff that they've discovered. So if you're into that, then why not give them a try!
Suggested Episode
Episode 9: Terror of South China. Pirates? Asian Pirates? Female Asian Pirates? Come on, that ticks ALL of my boxes.
Where can I find them?
Anywhere you can find podcasts, but more specifically: Ye Olde Crime Podcast