March 17, 2021

Podcast Promo: Watch if You Dare

Podcast Promo: Watch if You Dare
"Watch If You Dare is a podcast exploring horror cinema through the eyes of a coward and the eyes of a longtime fan. Whether you’re a hardened horror expert, a casual in a love-hate relationship with scary cinema, or just a victim of a dare, join Derek, Aaron, and the occasional guest or two and face your fears"
What's it about?
Horror movies galore! Whether you even like horror or not, this show is for you. To be honest, I'm not a very big fan of horror movies - because I'm easily traumatized. But that doesn't mean I haven't watched or dabbled in horror stuff. This show is one of those things I dabbled with - because sometimes I want to be able to talk to people about horror movies, without having to watch it, hehe.
Who are the hosts?
Our hosts are Derek and Aaron, with a host of different guests. One is a coward and the the other one - a scary monster boi. I can completely one hundred percent understand the personalities of these two. I love reading about monsters but I'm a giant coward when it comes to scary movies.
Why should you listen to them?
The show is fun, and honestly, it appeals to my curiosity a lot. I really enjoy listening to them talk - and it definitely beats just reading the plot of the movie through wikipedia - which I am very much known to do.
Suggested Episode
Creep w/ Special Guest Director Zach Lamplugh - I'm not a big fan of found footage, but Creep is the rare exception. It's amazing what you can do with a limited budget, and only two actors. I loved the discussion during this episode!
Where can I find them?
I listen to them on the Cephalopod App but they're everywhere! You can check out their website here: